

MSBTE Computer Engineering 5th Semester Micro Project Topics - Client Side Scripting Language CSS 22519 Micro Project Topics

Client Side Scripting Language (CSS 22519) Micro Project Topics for Computer Engineering Students.
Micro Project is a essential part for the Diploma students. In this post we provide 50+ Client Side Scripting Language (CSS 22519) Micro Project Topics. With the help of these topics, Diploma students can make a good Micro Project Report. All the Computer Engineering students need to prepare a good and Unique Micro Project Report on the given topics.
Here is the list of Micro Project Topics50+
  1. Currency Converter Using JavaScript Micro Project Available
  2. Unit Converter Using JavaScript  Micro Project Available
  3. Create a portfolio website.
  4. Interest Rate Calculator Using JavaScript.
  5. Discount Calculator Using JavaScript.
  6. Online Test / Examination Using JavaScript.
  7. Create Quiz Using JavaScript.
  8. Popup, Alerts message Using JavaScript.
  9. Online pizza delivery system.
  10. Snake Game
  11. Calculator using JavaScript.
  12. Number Converter.
  13. Create Notes App using JavaScript.
  14. Text editor using JavaScript.
  15. JavaScript form validation.
  16. Stop watch in CSS.
  17. Creation of website for fast food restaurant management system.
  18. Create an Email Newsletter.
  19. Day night toggle button using CSS.
  20. Tic Tac Toe game using JavaScript
  21. Solar system animation.
  22. Online Election Voting system. 
  23. Create Webpage for online Railway reservation.
  24. Use of Radio Buttons to represent cities of several countries.
  25. Analog clock using JavaScript.
  26. Online food ordering system.
  27. Design a form to check whether a passed string is palindrome or not.
  28. Battery charging icon using CSS.
  29. Puzzle game using JavaScript.
  30. Car running project with CSS.
  31. Car moving using buttons in JavaScript.
  32. Form event:- mouse &key events
  33. Age Calculator Using JavaScript.
  34. Budgeting app
  35. Online Banking System.
  36. Math Game
  37. Zoo Management System.
  38. Hotel management system.
  39. Smartphone Specification Website.
  40. Digital Clock with glowing effects.
  41. Animated Login Form.
  42. Create Tourism Website - Tour Around The World.
  43. Calendar using JavaScript.
  44. Create a Recipes website.
  45. Website layout in CSS
  46. Indian flag using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  47. Educational WhatsApp Chatbot.
  48. Client for online massaging service-FreeJi.
  49. Countdown timer using JavaScript.
  50. Develop a website on travel agency
  51. Create E-Commerce website. 
  52. Develop a website on hostel management system.

How to create a good / unique Micro Project Report?
Making a good / unique Micro Project Report is very important for all diploma students because, when you submit a Micro Project Report, the subject teacher will give you some marks based on that Micro Project Report. Those marks you get helps to increase your percentage.
Here we give some important tips to create a good / unique Micro Project Report.

  1. Make sure you selected a unique Micro Project Topic.
  2. Create Certificate page
  3. Make a good Acknowledgement page.
  4. Create Index page (Make sure  all points that you covered in your Micro Project are added in Index)
  5. After creating above 3 pages, start to add information related to your Micro Project Topic such as,
    • Rationale
    • Course Outcomes Achieved 
    • Aim & Benefits
    • Actual Resources Used
    • Actual Methodology Followed
    • Output of the Micro Project
    • Applications of the Micro Project
    • Skill Developed / Learning Outcomes
    • Reference 
  6. Insert / Use some high quality images if your Micro Project Topic needs images
  7. Use "Times New Roman" or "Georgia" font in your Micro Project or you can use any othe fonts according to your choise.

Environmental Studies (EST 22447) Micro Project Topics for Computer Engineering Students | MSBTE

Operating Systems (OSY 22516) Micro Project Topics for Computer Engineering Students | MSBTE

Advanced Java Programming (AJP 22517) Micro Project Topics for Computer Engineering Students | MSBTE

Software Testing (STE 22518) Micro Project Topics for Computer Engineering Students | MSBTE

Client Side Scripting Language (CSS 22519) Micro Project Topics for Computer Engineering Students | MSBTE

MSBTE Computer Engineering 5th Semester Micro Project Topics - Client Side Scripting Language CSS 22519 Micro Project Topics

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