

MSBTE Fourth Semester Syllabus For I Scheme |Diploma in Computer Engineering

In the previous semester, we studied about some important subjects like, Object Oriented Programming using C++, Data Structure Using C, Database Management System, etc. these subjects are very important in future. Now in the fourth semester "Java Programming" subject is introduced and it depends on programming. Duration of the fourth semester is also 16 weeks like all previous semester. For the fourth semester of diploma in computer engineering there are 4 subjects. 4 out of 4 subjects are for board exams. In this semester the most important subjects are introduced i.e."Java Programming", "Data communication and Computer network", etc. and these subjects are very important for students.

List of subjects:

  1. Java Programming
  2. Software Engineering
  3. Data Communication And Computer Network
  4. Microprocessors
Lets see the detailed information about all subjects.

Java is object oriented, platform independent and open-source programming language. This course develops necessary skills in students to apply object oriented programming techniques in Java so that students will be able to develop complete applications using core Java.
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) conduct Offline Theory End Semester Examination for Java Programming subject. The examination of this subject is of 70 marks.
For the Java Programming subject 6 units are given in the syllabus. The total teaching time for this subject are 48 Hours as per syllabus.

›› Name of the Units with Total Marks (Weightage):

Unit Title Total Marks
Basic Synthetical Constructs in Java 10
Derived Synthetical Constructs in Java 18
Inheritance, Interface and Package 12
Exception Handling and Multithreading 12
Java Applets and Graphics Programming 10
Managing Input/Output/Files in Java 08


Software Engineering is the foundation for professional processes to be followed involving principles, techniques, and practices for software development. This course dprovides a framework for software professionals for building quality assured software products. It enables students to blend the domain specific knowledge with the programming skills to create quality software products.
MSBTE conduct Offline Theory End Semester Examination for Software Engineering subject. The examination of this subject is of 70 marks.
For the Software Engineering subject 5 units are given in the syllabus. The total teaching time for this subject are 48 Hours as per syllabus.

›› Name of the Units with Total Marks (Weightage):

Unit Title Total Marks
Software Development Process 12
Software Requirement Engineering 14
Software Modelling and Design 14
Software Project Estimation 16
Software Project Management and Quality Assurance 14


A Data Communication And Computer Network has been growing with rapid technological progress. Computer communication through networking becomes essential part of our life. This course provides information about important concepts and techniques related to data communication and enable students to have an insight in to technology involved to make the network communication possible. It is essential for students to know the basic concept of networks like network classification, network topologies, network devices.
MSBTE conduct Offline Theory End Semester Examination for Data Communication And Computer Network subject. The examination of this subject is of 70 marks.
For the Data Communication And Computer Network subject 5 units are given in the syllabus. The total teaching time for this subject are 64 Hours as per syllabus.

›› Name of the Units with Total Marks (Weightage):

Unit Title Total Marks
Fundamentals Of Data Communication And Computer Network 12
Transmission Media and Switching 16
Error Detection, Correction and Wireless Communication 12
Network Topologies And Network Devices 10
Reference Models 20


Microprocessor is the component of computer where 8086 is the base of all upward developed processors till current processor. This course will cover the basic of 8086 and its architecture along with instruction set, assembly language programming with effective use of procedures and macros. This course also covers the architecture issues such as instruction set program and data types. This course will enable the students to inclucate assembly language programming concepts and methodology to solve problems.
MSBTE conduct Offline Theory End Semester Examination for Microprocessors subject. The examination of this subject is of 70 marks.
For the Data Microprocessors subject 5 units are given in the syllabus. The total teaching time for this subject are 64 Hours as per syllabus.

›› Name of the Units with Total Marks (Weightage):

Unit Title Total Marks
8086 - 16 Bit Microprocessor 14
The Art of Assembly Language Programming 08
Instruction Set of 8086 Microprocessor 16
Assembly Language Programming 20
Procedure and Macro 12

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MSBTE Fourth Semester Syllabus For I Scheme |Diploma in Computer Engineering

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