Practical No. 1: Write simple JavaScript with HTML for arithmetic expression evaluation and message printing.
Covered Points/Questions:
- What is JavaScript?
- What can JavaScript do?
- Explain <script> tag with example.
- JavaScript arithmetic operators.
- Arithmetic operators program code with Output.
Practical No. 2: Develop JavaScript to use decision making and looping statements.
Covered Points/Questions:
- Explain conditional statements.
- if statement
- else statement
- else if statement
- switch statement
- Explain JavaScript loops with syntax.
- for loop
- while loop
- do while loop
- Program code with Output.
- JavaScript code to demonstrate if...else statement.
- Develop a JavaScript to implement for...loop
Practical No. 3: Develop JavaScript to implements array functionalities.
Covered Points/Questions:
- what is an array?
- Write syntax of array with example.
- JavaScript array methods.
- Program code with Output.
Practical No. 4: Develop JavaScript to implement function.
Covered Points/Questions:
- Function
- Write advantages of JavaScript function.
- Give syntax of JavaScript function.
- JavaScript function arguments.
- Explain returning a value from function with example.
- JavaScript function object.
- JavaScript function methods.
- Program code with Output
- Write JavaScript code to call function from HTML.
Practical No. 6: Create a web page using Form Elements.
Covered Points/Questions:
- What is form tag?
- Write the use of form.
- What is the syntax of form?
- Program code with Output.
- Wite a JavaScript code to access value form elements of form.
Practical No. 7: Create a web page to implement Form Events Part - Ⅰ
Covered Points/Questions:
- What is an Event?
- Event and Event handlers for Form elements.
- Write commonly used Events.
- Program code with Output.
- Wite a JavaScript program on onClick Event handler.
- Wite a JavaScript program on Onload Event handler.
- Wite a JavaScript program on onFocus Event.
Practical No. 8: Create web page to implement Form Events Part - Ⅱ
Covered Points/Questions:
- Key Events.
- onKeypress Event
- onKeydown
- Other Events.
- onCharge Events
- onFocus Event.
- onblur event.
- Key Events program with Output
Practical No. 9: Develop a web page using intrinsic Java functions.
Covered Points/Questions:
- Explain intrinsic function.
- Explain disabling elements.
- Explain Read-Only elements.
- Program code with Output.
- Wite a JavaScript program to disable form element.
- Wite a JavaScript program to implement read-only property of element.
Practical No. 10: Develop a web page for creating session and persistent cookies, observe the effects with browser cookie settings.
Covered Points/Questions:
- Write basics of cookies.
- List the types of cookies.
- Explain session cookies.
- Explain persistent cookies.
- How cookies works?
- How to create cookie.
- Program code with Output.
- Wite a JavaScript program to create cookie.
Practical No. 11: Develop a web page for placing the window on the screen and working with child window.
Covered Points/Questions:
- What is window object?
- Explain opening and closing window.
- Write syntax of opening window with explanation.
- Program code with Output.
- Wite a JavaScript program to open a new window.
Practical No. 12: Develop a web page for validation of form fields using regular expressions.
Covered Points/Questions:
- What is regullar expression?
- How to create regular expression?
- Write syntax of regular expression.
- Explain the language of regular expression.
- Brackets
- Qualifiers
- Metacharacters
- Program code with Output.
- Wite a JavaScript program to check valid email id.
Practical No. 14: Develop a web page for implementing menus.
Covered Points/Questions:
- What is menu?
- What is pull down menu? How to create pull down menu?
- Program code with Output.
- Write a JavaScript program to create a pull down menu.
Practical No. 16: Develop a web page for implementing slideshow banner
Covered Points/Questions:
- What is slideshow?
- How to create slideshow?
- What is Banner?
- How to load and display the banner advertisement?
- Program code with Output.
- Write a JavaScript program to link banner with the URL.
Your comments are helpful for us in the upcoming period.!