

Client Side Scripting Language 22519 Solved Lab Manual - CSS 22519 Solved Lab Manual | PolyInfo-MSBTE


Practical No. 1: Write simple JavaScript with HTML for arithmetic expression evaluation and message printing.
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. What is JavaScript?
  2. What can JavaScript do?
  3. Explain <script> tag with example.
  4. JavaScript arithmetic operators.
  5. Arithmetic operators program code with Output.

Practical No. 2: Develop JavaScript to use decision making and looping statements.
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. Explain conditional statements.
    • if statement
    • else statement
    • else if statement
    • switch statement
  2. Explain JavaScript loops with syntax.
    • for loop
    • while loop
    • do while loop
  3. Program code with Output.
    • JavaScript code to demonstrate if...else statement.
    • Develop a JavaScript to implement for...loop

Practical No. 3: Develop JavaScript to implements array functionalities.
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. what is an array?
  2. Write syntax of array with example.
  3. JavaScript array methods.
  4. Program code with Output.

Practical No. 4: Develop JavaScript to implement function.
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. Function
  2. Write advantages of JavaScript function.
  3. Give syntax of JavaScript function.
  4. JavaScript function arguments.
  5. Explain returning a value from function with example.
  6. JavaScript function object.
  7. JavaScript function methods.
  8. Program code with Output
    • Write JavaScript code to call function from HTML.

Practical No. 6: Create a web page using Form Elements.
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. What is form tag?
  2. Write the use of form.
  3. What is the syntax of form?
  4. Program code with Output.
    • Wite a JavaScript code to access value form elements of form.

Practical No. 7: Create a web page to implement Form Events Part - Ⅰ
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. What is an Event?
  2. Event and Event handlers for Form elements.
  3. Write commonly used Events.
  4. Program code with Output.
    • Wite a JavaScript program on onClick Event handler.
    • Wite a JavaScript program on Onload Event handler.
    • Wite a JavaScript program on onFocus Event.

Practical No. 8: Create web page to implement Form Events Part - Ⅱ
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. Key Events.
    • onKeypress Event
    • onKeydown
  2. Other Events.
    • onCharge Events
    • onFocus Event.
    • onblur event.
  3. Key Events program with Output

Practical No. 9: Develop a web page using intrinsic Java functions.
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. Explain intrinsic function.
  2. Explain disabling elements.
  3. Explain Read-Only elements.
  4. Program code with Output.
    • Wite a JavaScript program to disable form element.
    • Wite a JavaScript program to implement read-only property of element.

Practical No. 10: Develop a web page for creating session and persistent cookies, observe the effects with browser cookie settings.
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. Write basics of cookies.
  2. List the types of cookies.
  3. Explain session cookies.
  4. Explain persistent cookies.
  5. How cookies works?
  6. How to create cookie.
  7. Program code with Output.
    • Wite a JavaScript program to create cookie.

Practical No. 11: Develop a web page for placing the window on the screen and working with child window.
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. What is window object?
  2. Explain opening and closing window.
  3. Write syntax of opening window with explanation.
  4. Program code with Output.
    • Wite a JavaScript program to open a new window.

Practical No. 12: Develop a web page for validation of form fields using regular expressions.
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. What is regullar expression?
  2. How to create regular expression?
  3. Write syntax of regular expression.
  4. Explain the language of regular expression.
    • Brackets
    • Qualifiers
    • Metacharacters
  5. Program code with Output.
    • Wite a JavaScript program to check valid email id.

Practical No. 14: Develop a web page for implementing menus.
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. What is menu?
  2. What is pull down menu? How to create pull down menu?
  3. Program code with Output.
    • Write a JavaScript program to create a pull down menu.

Practical No. 16: Develop a web page for implementing slideshow banner
Covered Points/Questions:

  1. What is slideshow?
  2. How to create slideshow?
  3. What is Banner?
  4. How to load and display the banner advertisement?
  5. Program code with Output.
    • Write a JavaScript program to link banner with the URL.

CSS 22519 Solved Lab Manual PDF

Client Side Scripting Language 22519 Solved Lab Manual - CSS 22519 Solved Lab Manual  | PolyInfo-MSBTE

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