Practical No. 1: Install and configure Linux (or alike) operating system
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Install and configure Linux (or alike) operating system on your computer. Write down the steps for same
- What are different versions of Linux operating system?
- Enlist the steps for booting the operating system.
- State names of latest multiuser operating system and its advanadvantages.
- Difference between command line OS and GUI OS by giving example.
- Which are the etra facilities provided by Unix other than Windows OS.
- Enlist four features of the following operating system:
- Windows 98
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP
Practical No. 2: Execute General Purpose Commands.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write down different options of cal command. (Use $man cal)
- Write options of date command. (Use $man date)
- How you record all the following activities performed by the user.
- Give a command to display calendar for month of January.
- Give single statement command to display the calendar of previous, current and next month.
- Give the command to display full week day (eg.Sunday) using date command.
- What is the output of following commands?
- $cal 04 2019
- $date "+Todays's information: %D and %B"; cal
- $date"+My clock is showing %H hours, %M minutes and %S seconds"
- $cal -3
- $cal -5
- $cal -200
- Give the syntax of commands for displaying the output
- This is ______ Month of the year ______ (Abbreviation for month and 4-digit year)
- This is the _____ 'th day of this year.
Practical No. 3: Work with multiple Linux terminals and basic commands
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- List down with all options who commands and write its description.
- Give command for present working directory.
- State currently login users by command.
- Acquire the status of super user
- Acquire the status of super user.
- Write outut of following commands
- $who;clear;who am i
- $who;tty;date
Practical No. 4: Working with a) operating system services b) Processes
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Check all the permissions started on your system. Stop the services which are not required for long time.
- List various menus you observed on your system
- Study the GUI of your Linux system.
- What is difference between GUI and CLI?
- What are system calls provided by file management?
- Draw and explain services provided by operating system.
- What are system components of operating system?
Practical No. 5: Execute process commands.
Covered Points/Questions:
- What is name of your login shell?
- What are various options of kill commands?
- What are various options of ps commands?
- Explain about exit command.
- List the system calls for process management.
- Observe the output of following commands.
- $sleep 30; date
- $echo $$
- Display full listing of all the processes running on your terminal.
- Write output of following command.
- $sleep60; banner GOOD
- Write all the process commands.
Practical No. 6: Execute file and directory manipulation commands.
Covered Points/Questions:
- what are different option of ls command? write down the command along with the option and note down the output. (Use $man ls command to check options)
- What are different options of mv command?
- What is use of split command?
- How to use join command?
- All questions covered....
Practical No. 7: Execute file and directory manipulation commands.
Covered Points/Questions:
XII. Practical Related Questions:
- How to shift from Root directory to User (Home) directory?
- How to see directories?
- What is default set of permissions given by the system of the directory?
- Assign all the permission to directory for all the users using symbolic and octal method.
- What is difference between comm and cmp command?
- All questions covered....
Practical No. 8: Execute text processing commands.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write the commands for:
- Counting number of words in the 'data.txt'
- Counting number of lines in 'data.txt'
- Counting all characters in the 'data.txt'
- Give applications of Paste Command.
- How to move cursor to end of a line?
- What are the options of wc command?
- What are different types of filters used in Linux?
- What is difference between $cat abc and $cat abc|more (File abc shall consists of more than 25 lines in it)
- All questions covered....
Practical No. 9: Use vi editor and perform all editor commands.
Covered Points/Questions:
XII. Practical Related Questions:
- What is the difference between Type o and Type O?
- State the three ways quit the vi-editor.
- What is effect of (Type this at colon mode and observe the changes in your file)
- set nu
- set ic
- set nonu
- set noai
- Give vi command to delete line to the left of cursor.
- What is difference between yank and delete?
- What are different modes in Vi editor?
- Observe the output of following commands:
- Write significance of following
- $ vi temp.txt
- Insert multiple lines.
- Delete contents using commands.
- How to get help?
Practical No. 10: Execute Shell Script by using if statements.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Execute shell script by considering example to find passing grades of students using if statements:
- Single Decision.
- Double Decision.
- Multiple if statements.
- Write and execute script for nested if statements.
- Write difference between
- if [condition]
- if((condition))
- Correct the following script and write its ouput.
- if [! -r"$1"] then echo "File $1 is not readable - skipping";
- if ["$X" -nt"/etc/password"]; Then
echo "X is a file which is newer than /etc/password"
Practical No. 11: Execute Shell Script by using for statements.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Execute shell script by considering example like printing table of given number by FOR loop
- Give Output of the following.....
- State the difference between Iteration and Recursion.
- Write a shell script to display Fibonacci series for n numbers.
- Write a shell script to accept five digit number and perform addition of all digits.
- Execute the script of the following
- The for loop using day of week list.
- The while loop to print different * patterns.
- The case statement for performing various mathematical operations.
Practical No. 12: Execute Shell Script to find out whether - Given file exists?
Covered Points/Questions:
- What is the command to run the script?
- What are fle test options with its meaning?
- What will be the output of these commands (file=abc.txt)
- if[! -f"file"]; then
echo "$file" - test -f"$file" || echo "$file"
- [-f"$file"] || echo "$file"
- Write a shell script to copy source file into the destination file.
- Write a shell script which displays list of all directories in your home directory.
- Write a shell script which displays list of all files in your home directory.
Practical No. 13: Execute Shell Script to check and grant File permissions.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write shell script to find out whether - File has read, write, and execute permissions
- What are permissions of a file?
- How to assign permission to a file?
- What happens when exception is thrown by main method?
- How to check permissions of all files and directories?
- What are test commands to check the permission of a file?
- Write a shell script which displays list of all executable files in the current working directory.
- Write a shell script which displays list of all the files in the current directory to which user has read, write, and execute permission.
Practical No. 14: Implement scheduling algorithms.
Covered Points/Questions:
- Compare SJF, Priority and RR with respect to turnaround time and average waiting time.
- State the condition for preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling algorithm.
- Give the reason of problems arises in FCFS.
- Write a formula for turnaround Time.
- Write a formula for Average waiting Time.
- Question number 2 and 3 solved..
Practical No. 15: Implement page replacement algorithm.
Covered Points/Questions:
- State the advantages and disadvantages of FIFO.
- What is page hit?
- What is page fault?
- Count number of page hits in above mention example given in section X
- Compare FIFO and LRU
Your comments are helpful for us in the upcoming period.!