

Operating System 22516 Solved Lab Manual - OSY 22516 Solved Lab Manual | PolyInfo-MSBTE


Practical No. 1: Install and configure Linux (or alike) operating system
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Install and configure Linux (or alike) operating system on your computer. Write down the steps for same
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. What are different versions of Linux operating system?
  2. Enlist the steps for booting the operating system.
  3. State names of latest multiuser operating system and its advanadvantages.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Difference between command line OS and GUI OS by giving example.
  2. Which are the etra facilities provided by Unix other than Windows OS.
  3. Enlist four features of the following operating system:
    • Windows 98
    • Windows 2000
    • Windows XP

Practical No. 2: Execute General Purpose Commands.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write down different options of cal command. (Use $man cal)
  2. Write options of date command. (Use $man date)
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. How you record all the following activities performed by the user.
  2. Give a command to display calendar for month of January.
  3. Give single statement command to display the calendar of previous, current and next month.
  4. Give the command to display full week day (eg.Sunday) using date command.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. What is the output of following commands?
    • $cal 04 2019
    • $date "+Todays's information: %D and %B"; cal
    • $date"+My clock is showing %H hours, %M minutes and %S seconds"
    • $cal -3
    • $cal -5
    • $cal -200
  2. Give the syntax of commands for displaying the output
    • This is ______ Month of the year ______ (Abbreviation for month and 4-digit year)
    • This is the _____ 'th day of this year.

Practical No. 3: Work with multiple Linux terminals and basic commands
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. List down with all options who commands and write its description.
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Give command for present working directory.
  2. State currently login users by command.
  3. Acquire the status of super user
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Acquire the status of super user.
  2. Write outut of following commands
    • $who;clear;who am i
    • $who;tty;date

Practical No. 4: Working with a) operating system services b) Processes
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Check all the permissions started on your system. Stop the services which are not required for long time.
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. List various menus you observed on your system
  2. Study the GUI of your Linux system.
  3. What is difference between GUI and CLI?
XIII. Exercise:
  1. What are system calls provided by file management?
  2. Draw and explain services provided by operating system.
  3. What are system components of operating system?

Practical No. 5: Execute process commands.
Covered Points/Questions:

XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. What is name of your login shell?
  2. What are various options of kill commands?
  3. What are various options of ps commands?
  4. Explain about exit command.
  5. List the system calls for process management.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Observe the output of following commands.
    • $sleep 30; date
    • $echo $$
  2. Display full listing of all the processes running on your terminal.
  3. Write output of following command.
    • $sleep60; banner GOOD
  4. Write all the process commands.

Practical No. 6: Execute file and directory manipulation commands.
Covered Points/Questions:

XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. what are different option of ls command? write down the command along with the option and note down the output. (Use $man ls command to check options)
  2. What are different options of mv command?
  3. What is use of split command?
  4. How to use join command?
XIII. Exercise:
  • All questions covered....

Practical No. 7: Execute file and directory manipulation commands.

Covered Points/Questions:
XII. Practical Related Questions:

  1. How to shift from Root directory to User (Home) directory?
  2. How to see directories?
  3. What is default set of permissions given by the system of the directory?
  4. Assign all the permission to directory for all the users using symbolic and octal method.
  5. What is difference between comm and cmp command?
XIII. Exercise:
  • All questions covered....

Practical No. 8: Execute text processing commands.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write the commands for:
    • Counting number of words in the 'data.txt'
    • Counting number of lines in 'data.txt'
    • Counting all characters in the 'data.txt'
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Give applications of Paste Command.
  2. How to move cursor to end of a line?
  3. What are the options of wc command?
  4. What are different types of filters used in Linux?
  5. What is difference between $cat abc and $cat abc|more (File abc shall consists of more than 25 lines in it)
XIII. Exercise:
  • All questions covered....

Practical No. 9: Use vi editor and perform all editor commands.
Covered Points/Questions:
XII. Practical Related Questions:

  1. What is the difference between Type o and Type O?
  2. State the three ways quit the vi-editor.
  3. What is effect of (Type this at colon mode and observe the changes in your file)
    • set nu
    • set ic
    • set nonu
    • set noai
  4. Give vi command to delete line to the left of cursor.
  5. What is difference between yank and delete?
  6. What are different modes in Vi editor?
  7. Observe the output of following commands:
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Write significance of following
    • $ vi temp.txt
    • Insert multiple lines.
    • Delete contents using commands.
  2. How to get help?

Practical No. 10: Execute Shell Script by using if statements.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Execute shell script by considering example to find passing grades of students using if statements:
    • Single Decision.
    • Double Decision.
    • Multiple if statements.
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Write and execute script for nested if statements.
  2. Write difference between
    • if [condition]
    • if((condition))
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Correct the following script and write its ouput.
  1. if [! -r"$1"] then echo "File $1 is not readable - skipping";
  2. if ["$X" -nt"/etc/password"]; Then
    echo "X is a file which is newer than /etc/password"

Practical No. 11: Execute Shell Script by using for statements.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Execute shell script by considering example like printing table of given number by FOR loop
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Give Output of the following.....
  2. State the difference between Iteration and Recursion.
  3. Write a shell script to display Fibonacci series for n numbers.
  4. Write a shell script to accept five digit number and perform addition of all digits.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Execute the script of the following
    • The for loop using day of week list.
    • The while loop to print different * patterns.
    • The case statement for performing various mathematical operations.

Practical No. 12: Execute Shell Script to find out whether - Given file exists?
Covered Points/Questions:

XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. What is the command to run the script?
  2. What are fle test options with its meaning?
  3. What will be the output of these commands (file=abc.txt)
    • if[! -f"file"]; then
      echo "$file"
    • test -f"$file" || echo "$file"
    • [-f"$file"] || echo "$file"
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Write a shell script to copy source file into the destination file.
  2. Write a shell script which displays list of all directories in your home directory.
  3. Write a shell script which displays list of all files in your home directory.

Practical No. 13: Execute Shell Script to check and grant File permissions.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write shell script to find out whether - File has read, write, and execute permissions
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. What are permissions of a file?
  2. How to assign permission to a file?
  3. What happens when exception is thrown by main method?
  4. How to check permissions of all files and directories?
  5. What are test commands to check the permission of a file?
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Write a shell script which displays list of all executable files in the current working directory.
  2. Write a shell script which displays list of all the files in the current directory to which user has read, write, and execute permission.

Practical No. 14: Implement scheduling algorithms.
Covered Points/Questions:

XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Compare SJF, Priority and RR with respect to turnaround time and average waiting time.
  2. State the condition for preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling algorithm.
  3. Give the reason of problems arises in FCFS.
  4. Write a formula for turnaround Time.
  5. Write a formula for Average waiting Time.
XIII. Exercise:
  • Question number 2 and 3 solved..

Practical No. 15: Implement page replacement algorithm.
Covered Points/Questions:

XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. State the advantages and disadvantages of FIFO.
  2. What is page hit?
  3. What is page fault?
  4. Count number of page hits in above mention example given in section X
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Compare FIFO and LRU

OSY 22516 Solved Lab Manual PDF

Operating System 22516 Solved Lab Manual - OSY 22516 Solved Lab Manual | PolyInfo-MSBTE

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