

Advanced Java Programming 22517 Solved Lab Manual | AJP 22517 Solved Lab Manual |Practical No. 14 to 22


Practical No. 14: Write a program to demonstrate the use of InetAddress class and its factory methods.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Execute the following code and write the output
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Write any four differences between IPV4 and IPV6
  2. Write the use of getByName() and getAllByName() method.
  3. Write the steps to assign IP address to your machine
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Develop a program using InetAddress class to retrieve IP address of computer when hostname is entered by the user.

Practical No. 15: Write a program to demonstrate the use of URL and URLConnection class and its methods
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Execute the following code and write the output
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Write the use of openConnection() method of URLConnection class.
  2. Write the name of exception that can be thrown by URL class
  3. Name the package in which URL class is defined.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Write a program using URL class to retrieve the host, protocol, port and file of URL
  2. Write a program using URL and URLConnection class to retrieve the date, content type, content length information of any entered URL

Practical No. 18: Write a program to insert and retrieve data from database using JDBC.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write a Program to create a Student Table in database and insert a record in a Student table.
  2. Write the output of following code
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. List the advantages of JDBC over ODBC?
  2. Write the Use of Class.forName()?
  3. Write the steps to establish DSN oriented connection and DSNLess connection.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Develop a program to create employee table in database having two columns “emp_id” and “emp_name”.
  2. Develop a program to display the name and roll_no of students from “student table” having percentage > 70.

Practical No. 22: Write a Servlet program to send username and password using HTML forms and authenticate the user.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write a Program to send the username to server and server will send the length of username to client.
  2. Write the output of following code cosidering below HTML is front end and servlet as back end
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. List the types of servlet and default port for there services.
  2. List the difference between doGet() and doPost() method of servlet.
  3. Explain ServletConfig and ServletContext.
  4. Explain ServletInputStream Class and ServletOutputStream Class with methods.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Develop servlet program to retrieve data from List and Radio Button using HTML Forms.
  2. Develop a program to receive student subject marks through HTML forms TextField and send the response as passed or Failed in Examination...

AJP 22517 Solved Lab Manual Practical No. 14, 15, 18 and 22 PDF

Advanced Java Programming 22517 Solved Lab Manual | AJP 22517 Solved Lab Manual |Practical No. 14 to 22

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