Practical No. 14: Write a program to demonstrate the use of InetAddress class and its factory methods.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Execute the following code and write the output
- Write any four differences between IPV4 and IPV6
- Write the use of getByName() and getAllByName() method.
- Write the steps to assign IP address to your machine
- Develop a program using InetAddress class to retrieve IP address of computer when hostname is entered by the user.
Practical No. 15: Write a program to demonstrate the use of URL and URLConnection class and its methods
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Execute the following code and write the output
- Write the use of openConnection() method of URLConnection class.
- Write the name of exception that can be thrown by URL class
- Name the package in which URL class is defined.
- Write a program using URL class to retrieve the host, protocol, port and file of URL
- Write a program using URL and URLConnection class to retrieve the date, content type, content length information of any entered URL
Practical No. 18: Write a program to insert and retrieve data from database using JDBC.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write a Program to create a Student Table in database and insert a record in a Student table.
- Write the output of following code
- List the advantages of JDBC over ODBC?
- Write the Use of Class.forName()?
- Write the steps to establish DSN oriented connection and DSNLess connection.
- Develop a program to create employee table in database having two columns “emp_id” and “emp_name”.
- Develop a program to display the name and roll_no of students from “student table” having percentage > 70.
Practical No. 22: Write a Servlet program to send username and password using HTML forms and authenticate the user.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write a Program to send the username to server and server will send the length of username to client.
- Write the output of following code cosidering below HTML is front end and servlet as back end
- List the types of servlet and default port for there services.
- List the difference between doGet() and doPost() method of servlet.
- Explain ServletConfig and ServletContext.
- Explain ServletInputStream Class and ServletOutputStream Class with methods.
- Develop servlet program to retrieve data from List and Radio Button using HTML Forms.
- Develop a program to receive student subject marks through HTML forms TextField and send the response as passed or Failed in Examination...
Your comments are helpful for us in the upcoming period.!