Lets see the sample test cases for for 'for loop, switch case, do while loop, if else' statements.
TC-ID | TC-1 |
Objective | To check for loop iterations |
Prerequisites | Program for loop must be written, it should have valid for loop. |
Step Details | Write program having loop for( i=0; i<=10; i++) { printf("%d",i); } Execute it. |
Input Data | N.A. |
Expected Result | for loop iterations must be correct and it should print value of i from 0 to 10 |
Actual Result | It printed value of i from 0 to 10 |
Status | Pass |
TC-ID | TC-2 |
Objective | To check for loop iterations |
Prerequisites | Program for loop must be written, it should have valid for loop. |
Step Details | Write program having loop for( i=0; i<=10; i++) { printf("%d",i); } Execute it. |
Input Data | N.A. |
Expected Result | for loop iterations must be correct and it should print value of i from 0 to 10 |
Actual Result | It does not print value of i from 0 to 10 |
Status | Fail |
TC-ID | TC-3 |
Objective | To check switch case |
Prerequisites | Program for switch case must be written and it should have valid switch case |
Step Details | Write program having code switch(ch) { case 1: printf("This is case 1"); break; case 2 : printf("This is case 2"); break; default: printf(" Please enter correct choice"); } Execute it. |
Input Data | Enter ch=1 |
Expected Result | Case 1 must be executed and the case 1 must be printed |
Actual Result | Case 1 is executed and the case 1 is printed |
Status | Pass |
TC-ID | TC-4 |
Objective | To check switch case |
Prerequisites | Program for switch case must be written and it should have valid switch case |
Step Details | Write program having code switch(ch) { case 1: printf("This is case 1"); break; case 2 : printf("This is case 2"); break; default: printf(" Please enter correct choice"); } Execute it. |
Input Data | Enter ch = 2 |
Expected Result | Case 2 must be executed and the case 2 must be printed |
Actual Result | Case 2 is executed and the case 2 is printed |
Status | Pass |
TC-ID | TC-5 |
Objective | To check switch case |
Prerequisites | Program for switch case must be written and it should have valid switch case |
Step Details | Write program having code switch(ch) { case 1: printf("This is case 1"); break; case 2 : printf("This is case 2"); break; default: printf(" Please enter correct choice"); } Execute it. |
Input Data | Enter ch = 2 |
Expected Result | Case 2 must be executed and the case 2 must be printed |
Actual Result | Case 2 is not executed and the case 2 is not printed |
Status | Fail |
TC-ID | TC-6 |
Objective | To check do while loop |
Prerequisites | Program for do while must be written and it should have valid do while syntax |
Step Details | Write program having code i=0; do { printf("%d",i); i++ } while(i<=10); Execute it |
Input Data | N.A. |
Expected Result | It must print value of i from 0 to 10 |
Actual Result | It printed value of i from 0 to 10 |
Status | Pass |
TC-ID | TC-7 |
Objective | To check do while loop |
Prerequisites | Program for do while must be written and it should have valid do while syntax |
Step Details | Write program having code i=0; do { printf("%d",i); i++ } while(i<=10); Execute it |
Input Data | N.A. |
Expected Result | It must print value of i from 0 to 10 |
Actual Result | It does not print value of i from 0 to 10 |
Status | Fail |
TC-ID | TC-8 |
Objective | To check if else |
Prerequisites | Program for if else must be written and it should have valid if else syntax |
Step Details | Write program having code Take input for a and b if( a>b) { printf( " a is greater than b"); else printf(" a is less than b"); } Execute it |
Input Data | a=10, b=20 |
Expected Result | else part must be execute and a is less than b output must be print |
Actual Result | else part is executed and a is less than b output is printed |
Status | Pass |
TC-ID | TC-9 |
Objective | To check if else |
Prerequisites | Program for if else must be written and it should have valid if else syntax |
Step Details | Write program having code Take input for a and b if( a>b) { printf( " a is greater than b"); else printf(" a is less than b"); } Execute it |
Input Data | a=20, b=10 |
Expected Result | true part of if must be execute and a is greater than b must be print |
Actual Result | true part of if is executed and a is greater than b is printed |
Status | Pass |
TC-ID | TC-10 |
Objective | To check if else |
Prerequisites | Program for if else must be written and it should have valid if else syntax |
Step Details | Write program having code Take input for a and b if( a>b) { printf( " a is greater than b"); else printf(" a is less than b"); } Execute it |
Input Data | a=20, b=10 |
Expected Result | true part of if must be execute and a is greater than b must be print |
Actual Result | else part of if is executed and a is less than b is printed |
Status | Fail |
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