

Sample Test Cases for Notepad Software in Software Testing - STE 22518

Hello students, in the previous post we write Sample Test Cases for Bank ATM System / Software. In this post we provide 'Sample Test Cases for Notepad Software'. To write sample test cases for notepad software, you need to write Test Case ID, Objective, Prerequisites, Step Details, Input Data, Excepted Results, Actual Results, Status (Pass/Fail)
Lets see the sample test cases for notepad software/system.
Test Case No. 1
Objective To Notepad running successfully or not ?
Prerequisites Notepad must be available
Step Details Search Notepad and Click on it
Input Data N.A.
Expected Result Notepad must be run
Actual Result Notepad is running successfully
Status Pass
Test Case No. 2
Objective To Notepad running successfully or not ?
Prerequisites Notepad must be available
Step Details Search Notepad and Click on it
Input Data N.A.
Expected Result Notepad must be run
Actual Result Notepad is not running
Status Fail
Test Case No. 3
Objective Check Find and Replace Facility of notepad
Prerequisites Notepad must be running, Find and replace facility must be active
Step Details Click on Edit, Click find and replace option, Enter details
Input Data Find: Computer, Replace: Computer Engineering
Expected Result It must be replaced Computer with Computer Engineering
Actual Result It is replaced Computer with Computer Engineering
Status Pass
Test Case No. 4
Objective Check Find and Replace Facility of notepad
Prerequisites Notepad must be running, Find and replace facility must be active
Step Details Click on Edit, Click find and replace option, Enter details
Input Data Find: Computer, Replace: Computer Engineering
Expected Result It must be replaced Computer with Computer Engineering
Actual Result Not replaced Computer with Computer Engineering
Status Fail
Test Case No. 5
Objective Check Status Bar under View
Prerequisites Notepad must be running,Status Bar under View facility must be active
Step Details Click on View, Click on Status bar
Input Data Not apllied
Expected Result Status bar must be enabled
Actual Result Status bar enabled successfully
Status Pass
Test Case No. 6
Objective To check Edit function in notepad
Prerequisites Notepad must be running, Edit Menu must available
Step Details Click on Edit Menu
Input Data Not apllied
Expected Result It must be display list in edit
Actual Result Displayed list in edit
Status Pass
Test Case No. 7
Objective To check Edit function in notepad
Prerequisites Notepad must be running, Edit Menu must available
Step Details Click on Edit Menu
Input Data Not apllied
Expected Result It must be display list in edit
Actual Result Not Displayed list in edit
Status Fail
Test Case No. 8
Objective To check Font function in Format
Prerequisites Notepad must be running, Font function in Format must available
Step Details Click on format menu, Select font option
Input Data Select Font: Times New Roman
Expected Result Selected font must be applied
Actual Result Selected font is applied successfully
Status Pass
Test Case No. 9
Objective To check Save function in File
Prerequisites Notepad must be running, Save function in File must available, File must created
Step Details Select on File menu, Click on save
Input Data Give file name: PolyInfo-MSBTE
Expected Result PolyInfo-MSBTE File must be saved
Actual Result PolyInfo-MSBTE File is saved successfully
Status Pass
Test Case No. 10
Objective To check Font function in Format
Prerequisites Notepad must be running, Font function in Format must available
Step Details Click on format menu, Select font option
Input Data Select Font: Times New Roman
Expected Result Selected font must be applied
Actual Result Selected font is not applied
Status Fail
Test Case No. 11
Objective To check Open function in File
Prerequisites Notepad must be running, Open function in File must available
Step Details Click on File, Select Open option
Input Data Select file name: PolyInfo-MSBTE
Expected Result The file named PolyInfo-MSBTE must be opened
Actual Result The file named PolyInfo-MSBTE is not open
Status Fail
Test Case No. 12
Objective To check Open function in File
Prerequisites Notepad must be running, Open function in File must available
Step Details Click on File, Select Open option
Input Data Select file name: PolyInfo-MSBTE
Expected Result The file named PolyInfo-MSBTE must be opened
Actual Result The file named PolyInfo-MSBTE is opened successfully
Status Pass

Sample Test Cases for Notepad Software PDF

Sample Test Cases for Notepad Software in Software Testing - STE 22518

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