Practical No. 1: Write a program to demonstrate the use of AWT components.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Design an applet/application to demonstrate the use of Radio Button and Checkbox.
- Design an applet/application to create form using Text Field, Text Area, Button and Label.
- State the difference between CheckBox and RadioButton.
- Write the use of setEnabled() method.
- Draw the life cycle of an Applet.
- Develop a program using Label to display message “Welcome to Java”
- Develop a program to select multiple languages known to user. (e. g Marathi, Hindi, English, Sanskrit).
- Write a program to create three Buttons with Caption OK, RESET and CANCEL.
Practical No. 2: Write a program to design a form using the components List and Choice.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write Java Program to show following output.
- Write the name of components used in following output.
- State the difference between List and Choice control.
- Write the use of getSelectedItem() and getSelectedIndex() for List.
- Develop an applet/ application using List components to add names of 10 different cities.
- Develop applet / application to select multiple names of news papers
Practical No. 3: Write a program to design simple calculator with the use of Grid Layout.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write java Program to Demonstrate Grid of 5* 5.
- Write a program to display The Number on Button from 0 to 9.
- Give name of default Layout for Different container.
- List the names of BorderLayout regions.
- Write the default horizontal and vertical gap in FlowLayout
- Write the use of Insets in border layout.
- Write a program to generate following output
- Write a program to generate following output using Border Layout
Practical No. 4: Use of CardLayout to write a program to create a two-level card deck that allows the user to select an
operating system.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Execute the following Program and write the output.
- State difference between GridLayout and GridBagLayout.
- Explain constructor of GridbagLayout.
- Write Java program to display following output.
- Write Java program to display following output.
Practical No. 5: Write a program using AWT to create a menu bar where menu bar contains menu items such as File, Edit, View and create a submenu under the File menu: New and Open.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write a program which creates Menu of different colors and disable menu item for Black color.
- Write the use of setEnabled() method.
- Write the procedure to assign shortcut key to the Menu Item.
- Write a syntax and use of addSeparator() method.
- Find errors in following program and display output as shown below.
Practical No. 6: Write a program using swing to display a ScrollPane and JComboBox in an JApplet with the items – English, Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write a program code to generate the following output
- State the difference between AWT and Swing.
- State the features of Swing.
- Name the method to obtain ContentPane in swing.
- Write a program to develop a frame to select the different states of India using JComboBox.
- Develop a program to demonstrate the use of ScrollPane in Swings.
Practical No.7: Write a program to create a JTree.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Develop a program to demonstrate the use of tree component in swing.
- Write a program code to generate the following output
- State the use of JTree in Swing.
- State the use of getPathForLocation() method.
- List different packages used to implement JTree programs.
- Write a Jtree program to show root directory and its subFolders of your System.
Practical No. 10: Write a program to demonstrate status of key on Applet window such as KeyPressed, KeyReleased, KeyUp, KeyDown.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write a program to generate KeyEvent when a key is pressed and display “Key Pressed” message.
- Develop a program which will implement special keys such as function keys and arrow keys.
- Name any four Event Listener interfaces.
- State the situation when all three events of KeyListener interface are generated?
- Elaborate the terms Event, Source and Listener.
- List various methods of ActionListener interface.
- Develop a program to accept two numbers and display product of two numbers when user pressed “Multiply” button.
Practical No. 11: Write a program to demonstrate various mouse events using MouseListener and MouseMotion listener interface.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Debug the following Program code and write the output.
- List various methods of MouseListener and MouseMotionListener
- Do all components generate the MouseEvent
- Write the steps to obtain the coordinates of MouseClick
- Write the steps to register for MosueEvents
- Write a program to change the background color of Applet when user performs events using Mouse
- Write a program to count the number of clicks performed by the user in a Frame window
- Write a program to demonstrate the use of mouseDragged and mouseMoved method of MouseMotionListener
Practical No. 12: Write a program to demonstrate the use of JTextField and JPasswordField using Listener Interface.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:
- Write a program using JPasswordField to set the password character as ‘#’ instead of ‘*’
- Write the use of setEchoChar() method with suitable example.
- Write the advantages of using JPasswordField over JTextField
- Which component can be used to accept the multiline input from user
- Write a program using JTextField to perform the addition of two numbers.
Your comments are helpful for us in the upcoming period.!