

Advanced Java Programming 22517 Solved Lab Manual | AJP 22517 Solved Lab Manual |Practical No. 1 to 12


Practical No. 1: Write a program to demonstrate the use of AWT components.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Design an applet/application to demonstrate the use of Radio Button and Checkbox.
  2. Design an applet/application to create form using Text Field, Text Area, Button and Label.
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. State the difference between CheckBox and RadioButton.
  2. Write the use of setEnabled() method.
  3. Draw the life cycle of an Applet.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Develop a program using Label to display message “Welcome to Java”
  2. Develop a program to select multiple languages known to user. (e. g Marathi, Hindi, English, Sanskrit).
  3. Write a program to create three Buttons with Caption OK, RESET and CANCEL.

Practical No. 2: Write a program to design a form using the components List and Choice.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write Java Program to show following output.
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Write the name of components used in following output.
  2. State the difference between List and Choice control.
  3. Write the use of getSelectedItem() and getSelectedIndex() for List.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Develop an applet/ application using List components to add names of 10 different cities.
  2. Develop applet / application to select multiple names of news papers

Practical No. 3: Write a program to design simple calculator with the use of Grid Layout.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write java Program to Demonstrate Grid of 5* 5.
  2. Write a program to display The Number on Button from 0 to 9.
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Give name of default Layout for Different container.
  2. List the names of BorderLayout regions.
  3. Write the default horizontal and vertical gap in FlowLayout
  4. Write the use of Insets in border layout.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Write a program to generate following output
  2. Write a program to generate following output using Border Layout

Practical No. 4: Use of CardLayout to write a program to create a two-level card deck that allows the user to select an operating system.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Execute the following Program and write the output.
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. State difference between GridLayout and GridBagLayout.
  2. Explain constructor of GridbagLayout.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Write Java program to display following output.
  2. Write Java program to display following output.

Practical No. 5: Write a program using AWT to create a menu bar where menu bar contains menu items such as File, Edit, View and create a submenu under the File menu: New and Open.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write a program which creates Menu of different colors and disable menu item for Black color.
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Write the use of setEnabled() method.
  2. Write the procedure to assign shortcut key to the Menu Item.
  3. Write a syntax and use of addSeparator() method.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Find errors in following program and display output as shown below.

Practical No. 6: Write a program using swing to display a ScrollPane and JComboBox in an JApplet with the items – English, Marathi, Hindi, Sanskrit.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write a program code to generate the following output
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. State the difference between AWT and Swing.
  2. State the features of Swing.
  3. Name the method to obtain ContentPane in swing.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Write a program to develop a frame to select the different states of India using JComboBox.
  2. Develop a program to demonstrate the use of ScrollPane in Swings.

Practical No.7: Write a program to create a JTree.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Develop a program to demonstrate the use of tree component in swing.
  2. Write a program code to generate the following output
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. State the use of JTree in Swing.
  2. State the use of getPathForLocation() method.
  3. List different packages used to implement JTree programs.
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Write a Jtree program to show root directory and its subFolders of your System.

Practical No. 10: Write a program to demonstrate status of key on Applet window such as KeyPressed, KeyReleased, KeyUp, KeyDown.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write a program to generate KeyEvent when a key is pressed and display “Key Pressed” message.
  2. Develop a program which will implement special keys such as function keys and arrow keys.
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Name any four Event Listener interfaces.
  2. State the situation when all three events of KeyListener interface are generated?
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Elaborate the terms Event, Source and Listener.
  2. List various methods of ActionListener interface.
  3. Develop a program to accept two numbers and display product of two numbers when user pressed “Multiply” button.

Practical No. 11: Write a program to demonstrate various mouse events using MouseListener and MouseMotion listener interface.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Debug the following Program code and write the output.
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. List various methods of MouseListener and MouseMotionListener
  2. Do all components generate the MouseEvent
  3. Write the steps to obtain the coordinates of MouseClick
  4. Write the steps to register for MosueEvents
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Write a program to change the background color of Applet when user performs events using Mouse
  2. Write a program to count the number of clicks performed by the user in a Frame window
  3. Write a program to demonstrate the use of mouseDragged and mouseMoved method of MouseMotionListener

Practical No. 12: Write a program to demonstrate the use of JTextField and JPasswordField using Listener Interface.
Covered Points/Questions:
X. Program Code:

  1. Write a program using JPasswordField to set the password character as ‘#’ instead of ‘*’
XII. Practical Related Questions:
  1. Write the use of setEchoChar() method with suitable example.
  2. Write the advantages of using JPasswordField over JTextField
  3. Which component can be used to accept the multiline input from user
XIII. Exercise:
  1. Write a program using JTextField to perform the addition of two numbers.

AJP 22517 Solved Lab Manual Practical No. 1 to 12 PDF

Advanced Java Programming 22517 Solved Lab Manual | AJP 22517 Solved Lab Manual |Practical No. 1 to 12

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